Made in Italy

Sustainable agriculture model that promotes a local and ethical supply chain

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Raw material ethically obtained.

Bamboo that we obtain for our straws is 100% sustainable and ecological. Bamboo doesn’t require any use of pesticides or heavy machinery to be collected and our straws are proudly processed by hand.

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Eco Friendly
Eco Friendly

Bamboo is an easily renewable resource, it grows and it regenerates very fast even without the use of pesticides or herbicides.


Research shows that bamboo products can have antimicrobial properties and the ability to withstand bacteria.

Oxygen production
Oxygen production

Bamboo absorbs around 5 times of carbon dioxide quantity. It tolerates extreme drought and it generates 30% of oxygen in more regarding trees.

Rich in nutrients
Rich in nutrients

Bamboo has a high quantity of fibers and it is rich in nutrients like: proteins, carbohydrate, amino acid, mineral and inorganic salts.

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